
Is Your Laundry Detergent Impacting Your AMH?

May 01, 2023

Is Your Laundry Detergent Impacting Your AMH?

If you or anyone in your life has been diagnosed with: 

  • Low AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone)
  • High FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone)
  • Premature Ovarian Insufficiency/Failure
  • Diminished Ovarian Reserve 

This is for you! We actually have an entire report for you: Top Diet And Lifestyle Tips To Optimize Low AMH/high FSH And Improve Fertility

Often low AMH and high FSH are influenced by 5 missed healing opportunities. In this blog we are going to dive deeper into Environmental Toxins. But be sure to download the entire report to learn about the other four. 

Environmental Toxins

Environmental toxins are all around us, literally. They can be found in the:

  • Air we breathe
  • Soil our crops grow in
  • Water we drink
  • Food we buy
  • Cleaning products we use in our home
  • Personal care products we use to care for our bodies

While there is little we can do to escape many of these toxins, we do have the choices! 

Before we dive in, let’s start with some necessary basics. Being “green” has been trending for a while now, leading more and more companies to create nontoxic, sustainable + environmentally friendly products. Unfortunately, many companies decided to only do part of the work, the marketing. Greenwashing is when a company markets their product to persuade the public that they aim to be environmentally friendly while still using toxic chemicals, plastics, endocrine disruptors, and ingredients we know are causing more harm to both humans and the planet. 

Please start by making sure you are not being greenwashed


Did you know, indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air? Open your windows friends! First, replacing the wall air filters in your home regularly.There are some really great air purifiers lik Molekule.

In addition to filters and purifiers, we love using houseplants to help clean the air. Some of the best air filtering plants are:

  • English Ivy
  • Bamboo Palm
  • Peace Lily
  • Spider Plant
  • Aloe 
  • Pilea


This is a big one! Let’s first talk about plastics. Bisphenol A, or known simply as BPA, is a chemical that has been used to make certain plastics and resins for the last 60 to 70 years. In 2008, when this chemical started making headlines no one paid much attention. However, that tide is finally turning and BPA has become a scary topic garnering much attention.Let me tell you why.  Learn how plastics impact your fertility.

In one particular study conducted at Harvard University, exposure to bisphenol A (BPA) was found to disrupt the human reproductive process and seemed to play a role in about 20 percent of current unexplained infertility. In the laboratory experiments 352 eggs from 121 consenting patients at a fertility clinic, were exposed to varying levels of BPA. The results were concerning to say the least.

Exposure to BPA decreased the percentage of eggs that matured and increased the percentage of eggs that degenerated.

BPA also increased the number of eggs that underwent an abnormal process called “spontaneous activation”. This process makes eggs act as if they have been fertilized when in fact they haven’t been.

It is also important to drink filtered water for many reasons. Curious what is in your tap water? Check out the Tap Water Database.

Our suggestion is to never drink from a plastic bottle. Instead, fill a non-BPA bottle with filtered water (the Berkey is our team’s favorite option)  from your home and carry it with you. Or alternatively use a stainless steel refillable beverage container and if you are a straw person, purchase stainless steel, glass or even bamboo straws. 


Maybe you have heard of the dirty dozen and clean fifteen, but have you watched GMO OMG? The toxins in our food are getting out of control! There are many, many foods that are easily available in the US pumped full of toxins that are illegal in other countries. This can be incredibly overwhelming, which is why we work on food immediately with our couples. Start off by finding resources you can trust, like Bobby Parish’s Instagram

As you replace grocery staples, do some research and see if it is a food that is helping your body heal and flourish or if it could be a piece of the puzzle keeping you from your baby. 

Cleaning Products

Have you ever smelled a cleaning product and immediately knew it wouldn't be good for your body? From all purpose cleaners to laundry detergent, many of these products are packed with endocrine disruptors, chemicals that may mimic or interfere with your body's hormones. We really love the work EWG has done here to help us find the cleanest cleaning products for our homes.

Personal Care Products

From your period products to your deodorant, toothpaste, and shampoo, it is vital for any human to check in to see how clean their personal care products are. You can use the Skin Deep Database or the Think Dirty App. We’ve actually put together a great blog resource on how to clean up your bathroom

With all of this information, we encourage you to take it one step at a time. When it’s time to shop for a new detergent, opt for a cleaner option. When you are shopping, try to buy the dirty dozen organic and pastured raised eggs and beef. The stress of switching everything at once can be just as bad as the toxins, so take it a moment at a time and in no time, you’ll start to notice the difference! 

Remember, for diagnosed with Low AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone), High FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone), Premature Ovarian Insufficiency/Failure or Diminished Ovarian Reserve, we have a lot more resources in our report: Top Diet And Lifestyle Tips To Optimize Low AMH/high FSH And Improve Fertility